
Summary of Predictive Model Performance: Offline and Online Evaluations

date_range 20/11/2022 00:30

Here we summarize a paper from “Predictive Model Performance: Offline and Online Evaluations” from Microsoft. It analyzes the offline and online metric discrepancy problem, and the simulated metric for simulating online performance.

Analysis of Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook

date_range 06/11/2022 00:30

Here we introduce a paper from Facebook about ads click through rate prediction. It was an old paper published in 2014, but I believe it still has lots of good practices which we could learn from for ads service.

Analysis of Gmail Smart Compose: Real-Time Assisted Writing

date_range 29/10/2022 21:30

Here we introduce Gmail’s Smart Compose which provides real-time and interactive writing suggestions. It is a large-scale neural language mode of sequence prediction. We use the question-answer format here.

Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations

date_range 10/09/2022 22:30

Here we introduce a Youtube’s recommendation system based on deep neural networks. It consists of a deep candidate generation model and then a separate deep ranking model. Youtube recommendations have to deal with scalability, freshness and noises of user feedbacks. The two-stage of this model can get a small personalized and accurate recommendation for users from a large of millions of videos.

Summary of Computer Algorithms and Coding

date_range 02/04/2022 17:30

In order to keep notes and share my understanding of computer algorithms, I summarize some of them here (the specific content will be continously updated). The example codes are in Python 3.